Taking flight

My number one goal is to provide a biblical foundation of king Jesus’s word. King Jesus knows the best path for each of us to take in order to succeed and be able to fulfill this calling, He wants to help us fulfil our destiny. I believe the next generation of women are going to be the young lionesses that drive the darkness to its knees. My mission is to help equip each one to succeed in this next journey towards victory.

Gaining altitude

I am always fascinated by the way King Jesus takes something ordinary, combines it with faith and obedience from His daughters, and then uses it to display His glory and show off His power. As we gain altitude on this journey I want to witness the miracle He has for each and everyone of us. King Jesus has the power to transform us into His reflection by the power of His Words and the love that motivates us to follow after who He is.

Grace overshadows the spirit of fear

I love the promises of God and the legacy that He empowers us to fulfill. I’ve been in a family that has followed God and carried an anointing of ministry in their lives from generation to generation. As I look back on this important legacy, I see the grace that was laid out and the grace that has followed.

What is grace really? This question seems to come up a lot ,and the simple definition is, “knowing that God is that big”.

He’s big enough to fulfill every promise spoken throughout His word. This promise speaks into generational blessing. As I’ve gone into the word and research the promise of Moses, something caught my eye as I was reading this morning. God promised the Israelites that Canaan was their inheritance.

This is so important because we miss out on the things of God because we don’t really think He’s big enough to fulfill His promises. Then we allow the spirit of fear to overshadow what He’s said.

Twelve men from Israel were sent out on a strategic fact-finding mission to gather intelligence about the land they were about to conquer. This was the land God promised them and their forefathers for generations. A land flowing with milk and honey. A land full of abundance and blessing for God’s people. And it is extremely crucial to remember, it was a land God Himself was giving them as an everlasting possession.

As a result of their 40-day investigation, they discovered the land was truly all that God had promised. They even returned with a remarkable sample of the fruit, (Numbers 13:27-28) they gave Moses this account: “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. But,….

When these men returned, the group confirmed the land was even more than they imagined and hoped for, with clusters of grapes so big they had to be carried by two people.

However after declaring the good news of the inheritance awaiting them, they followed it with a “but”, which revealed their doubt and what they believed.

Their “but” didn’t change the fact that the promise land was theirs for the taking, but it did keep them from pressing in. This is so important because this is the same position we find ourselves In when God has clearly laid out our inheritance and the path he’s called us.

I’ve been a victim of this crippling fear that leaves me standing there with a big “but”. I’ve come to understand that “but” is a small powerful word. This is the word that we are putting our faith in. It’s taken me years to truly understand that we must go and conquer those years of bondage and press Into those promises God has told us to take. This legacy is going to be passed from generation to generation.

This legacy of faith, knowing who God said we are, believing who King Jesus died for. King Jesus rose again so we might be free. These areas in our life that seem so Impossible, that look like a giant. This place that is surrounding everything we know Is ours. This is the area we must step back and remember, we serve a God of the impossible. He’s proven throughout time that He can do all things, even if it looks like it cannot be done. God promises a sound mind and a spirit of wisdom. Fear has no place where God’s promises reside, because light overtakes the darkness. We only have to believe His words are true.